An After School Program for Your Children in Farmington, Arkansas Elementary and Middle Schools with Activities in a Safe Space.

Your children get only one childhood.

The Learn And Play After School Program provides a safe place for Farmington students in kindergarten through sixth grade to go before being reunited with their families. The Program begins at the end of each school day and includes structured activities until 6:00 P.M.


The education, happiness, and quality care of children are of extreme importance to us. Our goal is to have a positive influence in the lives of children that will benefit them emotionally, academically, and socially, not only now but for many years to come. Your child is our greatest priority, your priceless treasure, and our future’s most valuable resource.
Founders Sandy Tennant and her husband, Steve, established the Learn And Play After School Program in the Farmington School System in 1996.
With a BS in Elementary Education from the University of Arkansas, Director, Sandy Tennant, taught pre-school through third grade in both public and private schools for many years, the last seven years of which was as a third-grade teacher in Farmington.
Even with a love of classroom teaching, Sandy realized the importance of further developing the After School Program. She decided to devote her time and energy to the program full-time. She believes that her full-time presence has had a positive impact on both the Learn and Play children and their families.
The Tennants have three children and five grandchildren. Their daughter is a Farmington teacher, and two grandchildren are Farmington students.

The Staff of the After School Program consists of University of Arkansas students. Many of them are majoring in areas where they will be improving the lives of children, such as; Elementary Education, Physical Education, and Speech Pathology.
All of our Staff members have previous experience in caring for different ages of children.
We are especially proud of many of our former staff members who have become full-time teachers, including a few in the Farmington School District.
Where, What, and How

Where We Are
The Learn And Play After School Program is located at the Jerry “Pop” Williams Elementary School at 322 North Broyles, Farmington. A secure environment is provided in the cafeteria of the school as well as in the fenced-in playground.
Kids are generally divided into younger kids (K-2nd) and older kids (3rd-6th).

What We Do
STEM Activities
GYM Activities
Outdoor Play
Arts & Crafts
Indoor Centers
Board Games
Reading and Homework Time
Homework Assistance
5:30-6:00 PG and G Movies

How to Get Here
Each afternoon our bus picks up students from Folsom Elementary, and Lynch Middle School and transports them to Williams Elementary where the Learn and Play After School Program is located.
Our staff checks attendance before our students board the bus.

Tuition 2024-25
One Child
Two Children
Please download, sign, and either deliver, email, or send via our Contact Form below the following four forms:
Letter To The Parents
Child’s Personal Data Sheets
Discipline Policy and Photo Release
Copy of Child’s Vaccination Form
If you are unable to download and print, please call Sandy Tennant at 479-267-5437 or 479-409-0817 to arrange to pick up the required forms for your child (or children) to attend.
Activity fees and Accident Medical Insurance are included in the tuition.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
~ Maya Angelou
Contact Us

We will respond to you as soon as possible.
479-267-5437 or 479-409-0817 or Email:
Mailing address: 65 N. Wilmoth Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72704
Learn and Play
at Jerry “Pop” Williams Elementary
322 North Broyles St
Farmington, AR 72730